Dec 16, 2008
quick update...
We're all doing good. We had a great Thanksgiving with family. Cody's brother and family came from Texas and the kids all had a blast together. We only see them about once a year, so we tried to make the most of it. We did picnics at the park, the boys did some hiking, fun Thanksgiving day, and just hanging out playing games. It was a good week.
We're now in the middle of getting ready for Christmas, and all the fun planning and shopping that goes along with that. Avery and Liam are counting down, they are fun ages for holidays.
Our little Emrie is growing so fast. She's six weeks old tomorrow. She's already gained around two pounds. Cheeks and legs are growing quickly to our delight. She's sweet, but also very demanding and quite moody..we'll see what she has in store for us. We love her very much. Avery is looking forward to a break from school. She's doing great and learning so much, but doesn't like to wake up in the morning and is excited about some sleepin in time. I must say that I am too, it's quite a chore to get all of us out of the house in the morning.
We hope everyone has great holidays. Hug the ones you love and have lots of fun. We know we will. Pics soon I promise.
Nov 25, 2008
Two weeks...
So, my sweet girl is already two weeks old (almost three). In some ways I feel like she's been here forever. It amazes me how fast it feels normal to have her here, like she's always been part of our family. She is a beautiful, sweet baby. Unless...
Sister holding her after her first real bath. Avery is a big help!
So, since it's almost Thanksgiving I figured it was time to catch up and post some Halloween pictures. We had a fun Halloween. The kids are fun ages for holidays like that. I was so ready to have a baby that I was walking fast all over the place. (for all the good it did!). Anyway, we had a trunk or treat at our church. The kids and I stopped by for a while, Cody was working. Then on Halloween night, we went to Cody's parents. They have a great neighborhood for trick or treating. It's a small gated community, so it's quiet and safe. Not too many kids live in the neighborhood, but the old people that live there love to spoil the kids that come. So, it works out pretty good!
Nov 17, 2008
Growing already...
It's me again, so this post won't be nearly as entertaining as the last one. I was cracking up at Cody's first blog attempt. I think he should do it more often.
Well...our sweet girl is almost two weeks old already. She is a super sweet newborn. She hardly makes any noise unless she's hungry. And when she is you better stand by because she gives you about two seconds warning before she starts throwing a huge fit! She definately likes her food. We took her in for her first check up when she was 5 days old and she had only lost one ounce from her birth weight. So, the chubbiness Cody craves isn't too far off! She looks so different already. The kids are doing great, they love loving on her. It was an interesting moment when Liam discovered how she gets her food. He knows that babies only drink milk, so the first time he heard her crying and I told him she was hungry he said "ok mom, I'll get the cup, you get the milk" it was cute. Then he saw me nursing her and was really confused!?! So, I explained to him that mommy makes milk for the baby. Then, I tried to put it in terms his three year old brain could understand. I told him that cows make milk for the baby cows, and and sheep and other things he has seen. Then he said "ohhh you're the cow", so thats where we left it. Moms the cow, at least he doesn't think it's weird anymore!! They have both been really sweet with her, which isn't hard because she is so soft and lovable.
Today is Cody's first day back to work. It was so nice having him home. He doesn't think he helped too much, but he did. He may not have done too many dishes...or vacuumed my floor (which would have been ok with me!). But he was great with the kids, he took Avery to school and picked her up so I didn't have to leave the house. Today was my first day on my own and she was late for school. I had to take her through the office for a tardy pass. Not used to feeding a baby, taking a sleeping Liam to the car, and getting Avery ready at the same time. I need some more practice I guess. I will say that my yard looks great, and he got lost of errands done that he never has time to do!
We finally got rid of our huge beast of a truck and got another ultra cool mini-van. It was great timing. We found the van the day before Emrie was born. So, I never had to put three kids in the back of that thing!! So, Cody also made sure it is in good working order, registered and insured. Which are all things I would have had to do sometime, if he weren't at home. I miss him already, it's been very quiet around here today. It was nice having him here to just hang out with us. We don't get to do that too often.
We have had so many visitors and people bringing food, and offering to bring food. I've had people offer to help with Liam. I'm very grateful to everyone who has helped us. We have awesome family and friends. Our ward is wonderful too, I know there are lots of people around if I need anything, and that is a huge comfort to me. I'm grateful we're all home and healthy and have this perfect, sweet addition to our family. I'll post more pictures, when I figure out where cody put them on the computer :)
Nov 6, 2008
And Then There were Three
The birth went well. "I didn't feel a thing", unfortunately Candi's epidural wasn't very good so she felt quite a bit. I think watching your child be born is one of the most spiritual experiences you can have, I am amazed every time. I am so thankful for a healthy and beautiful baby and wife. How lucky am I???I mean look at me I look like a Grateful Dead Roadie or something, and I have been blessed with such a great family.
Liam and his baby sister....He loves her, but has been sure to let us all know he would have rather had a baby boy and wants to name him Tyler. (don't ask me.Tyler??.the kid is random)
"FEED ME MAMA" I got about 18 rolls of loose skin I gotta fill up.
The picture on top was about 5 minutes after giving birth, I think Candi looks great. She seems to be glowing...It looks like I am that guy behind the news anchor lady that is just trying to get on tv...haha.
On the bottom is my lovely clan. Avery cant get enough baby time and is so proud.We will post more soon.
Nov 3, 2008
Cody and I sat and played with Liam the other night for hours it felt like. It was late at night, Avery was long asleep. Liam should have been too, but he was being so sweet and funny that we just played and laughed with him. He was singing every song he knows to Cody and trying to teach Cody the words. Being unbelievably bossy and demanding, but so hilarious at the same time. I was watching him sleep last night, with his impossibly long eyelashes spread out over his face thinking how perfect he is, and how huge and grown up he is going to seem when we bring this new little one home.
And Avery seems so grown up already. She just finished her first soccer season, we just got her first school picture back, all these "firsts" that she still seems too little for. We were looking at all of the hundreds (maybe thousands) of pictures we've taken of her on the laptop the other day. She loved it and wanted to hear the story behind every one. I watched her grow up right before my eyes on the screen. She is so loving to her family, and every one for that matter. She is getting so smart, she has so many questions. Her little mind is thinking and working all of the time. On Saturday night we went to "light the night" it was a fundraiser walk for Leukemia/ Lymphoma society. Cody's sweet ten year old cousin Hannah died from Leukemia last December. Avery knew her well, and we had to explain a lot about life and death in the time she was sick. Avery talks about her all of the time and wonders what she's doing now. She misses her a lot. Well, we were walking and she very seriously asked Cody "How does walking two miles help Hannah" she didn't ask in a bratty, I don't want to be here kind of way. She really wanted to know. So, he just told her the truth. That it won't directly help Hannah, but it raises money to help other people with the same disease. And that we think it would make Hannah happy to see us all there together, doing something to remember her and to help others.
I love my family so much. I love watching my husband play with and love his children. And even though I'm nervous to have three little ones, I'm so excited to meet this new person and see who she is. I've often wondered who she will look like, if she will favor Liam or Avery, or be completely different. I wonder what her personality will be like and who she will become. I'm excited to see Cody with another tiny baby, and to see how Liam and Avery love and take care of her. I know I'll be spread thinner and that will be hard sometimes, but I feel so blessed to get to raise and influence another sweet spirit. I know this is long and rambling, I guess it's a product of too many mommy hormones!!
Oct 29, 2008
she's stubborn already.....
Oct 23, 2008
What have you done?
(Just copy and paste this to your blog and bold the ones that you HAVE done.)
1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland ... and Disneyworld!
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a law suit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
Oct 20, 2008
Well, after lots of hard work, by many helpful people our little girl finally has a bedroom. The pictures don't do it justice at all. The lighting is horrible. The bottom of the room is a pretty green, and the top is cute creamy yellow. We need a few finishing know stuff on the walls, pictures in frames etc...but it's come a LONG way! I wish I had taken a before picture because this was the storage room for our entire house! That is why it has taken so long to get this done. It housed, all of our luggage, pictures, old preschool stuff, and anything else that didn't have a home. My mother in law Jane has been a huge help. She has spent countless hours over here helping me organize and find new homes for things. I really appreciate her. She even cleaned and organized Avery's room for me. Cody's brother put up the chair rail, he is a perfectionist so it looks wonderful, and we had lots of help with painting and moving furniture all over the house. So, thanks everyone!! It's done and it looks great.
The bedding is really cute.. it says "lullaby birds" it has lots of bright, cheery colors and cute birds and flowers. I was also able to recycle a few cute things from Avery's nursery, so that was good.
I hope the mobile doesn't scare her, it kind of looks like the birds are coming to peck her eyes out!!
I wish the pictures were better, but that's what I have for now. Now that her room is ready, and my house is somewhat organized I'm ready. I go to the Dr. on Wednesday, hopefully she's getting ready too and will be here soon!! We are all excited now. Cody is excited for a little time off work. I'm excited to see my little girl and to sleep on my stomach! It's crazy what you look forward to! We are excited to have her here with us and start adjusting to life with three! We'll see how that goes, wish me luck!
Oct 6, 2008
Sep 24, 2008
Soccer Star!!
Liam playing on the sidelines, he thinks he's the star!
I'm afraid to say...this is what goes on most of the time. There is also alot of chatting by the little girls while they are runing down the field. The funniest thing during the last game was a girl getting hit on the head with the ball. We all thought it looked pretty cool, like she did it on purpose. But she didn't, and she didn't think it was cool. So while everyone around them are still running and playing , her sweet friend comforted her and gave her a hug. Her friends mom is yelling from the sideline "give her a hug and start playing!" Pretty funny stuff! The poor coaches go hoarse just yelling at them to turn around and run the other way. They are running toward their own goal half the time. It's hilarious!!

I'm so glad when daddy comes home....
Sep 23, 2008
Weekend Fun had by all.....
Sep 17, 2008
Baby Shower...
There are a TON of babies being born in our ward right now, and most of them are not first babies. So, you really don't expect or plan to have a baby shower. But, we have some great friends who talked us into it. Last night we had one for my friend Erika and I. It was really fun. Lots of yummy food, cute decorations, and mostly...lots of friends. I had my camera with me, but unfortunately it didn't have a battery in it! Not too smart, I know (this baby is robbing me of my brain power!!).
So, thank you so much to Candace and Amy for putting it all together. Thanks Nicki for the beautiful cake, and everyone else for their yummy treats, cute gifts, and most of all just being there to have fun with us! We have a great ward, and I'm so blessed to have so many fun, smart, beautiful, wonderful girls in my life! I'll get pictures from Candace and put them up later.
Sep 11, 2008
Liam showing off his Elmo undies

Cody's parents (r), and the brides parents
This was our lovely flower shop where we did ALL the flowers for the wedding... My handsome little man

Sep 9, 2008
Funny Kids
Liam gets bored around here without his sister all day. He was playing behind me earlier, and I couldn't tell what he was doing. So, I asked him if he was being good or if he was making a mess. He didn't really answer my question but told me "everythings fine mom"
I swear they grow up before my eyes! I don't want to forget all the sweet times I have with them. Pictures next time, promise.
Sep 7, 2008
No more whining...
Sep 4, 2008
Will life ever slow down?
I keep thinking at some point our lives have to slow down and get more normal, but I'm beginning to realize what a joke that is!! We went to Flagstaff over the weekend for Cody's cousins wedding. It was nice to get out of the heat. But, it was a crazy busy weekend. I was helping my mother in law do all the flowers and decorations for the wedding. This crazy bride had NINE bridesmaids! Who does that? She had family, high school and college friends. Cute girls, but tons of them! And we were doing fresh flowers. So, that meant 10 bouquets, 12 corsages, 19 boutineers, and about 50 centerpieces or other arraingements. Needless to say, there wasn't much relaxing going on for us! The kids had a blast playing in the forest and dancing at the wedding. I'll post pictures sometime soon!
Anyway, we got home Monday evening dumped all of our stuff in the living room and got the kids ready for bed. There started the week. Cody was back to work Tuesday, and so was I. So, I dropped Avery off at school Tuesday morning and headed to grandmas for work. We were there with her all day Tuesday. In between I had an OB appointment and had to drag my 79 year old grandma to pick Avery up at school. It was also Avery's first soccer practice on Tuesday. Luckily Cody was in a class that was near his grandma's and he picked Avery up to take her to soccer. She had lots of fun, i'm sure it's going to be very entertaining to watch those games. I pray for the coaches and their patience. I was also staying the night at grandmas, so Cody brought Avery back to me and I put her to bed there, said goodbye to my husband so he could come home to sleep and go to work.
Wednesday morning I got Avery ready for school at grandma's, dropped her off. Came home, got Liam ready for preschool, dropped him off a half hour later. Then I came home, did something to make myself somewhat presentable, and went visiting teaching. Then, went to pick Liam up from preschool. He and I drove back down to goodyear to meet Cody for lunch. That was fun, because we NEVER do that. He is in some class this week so he actually takes a regular lunch. We had a good visit with him and some of his work friends. Came home, gave Liam a nap and tried to do some laundry. Put sleeping Liam in the car to pick Avery up from school. Came home, helped miss Avery with her homework. Cleaned up a pee mess that mr. Liam left all over my barstool (potty training, not so fun with this one!) Got the kids some dinner. Got the inevitible call from lovely husband saying he had to go back out to work after his class was over so he wouldn't be home in time to watch kids so I could go to young womens by myself. So, packed kids pj's, school clothes, stuff to play with at the church, and headed to YW. Cody did end up getting back to this side of town in time to come to the church and see the kids for a minute. Then, we headed to grandma's for another sleep over. So, after dropping Avery off at school this morning. I finally have a day at home with no running around to do. My house is an absolute disaster after being gone, and running around so much. So, I have lots to do today. I'm actually going to make dinner and try to have some kind of normal night with my family....if my husband gets to come home tonight. It's always questionable!! If I get my stuff done today, then I'll be a much happier person. Then I'll do a cute, happy post!
I know everyone is busy, and has crappy weeks, and I should just get up, get my house cleaned and get over it! It's crazy, messy, life!! Hope everyones week is as crazy as mine!
Aug 26, 2008
boring, busy, week...
Cody and I did get a chance to go on a fun date this weekend which is rare for us. We went out to dinner with some friends for a birthday. It's fun to just hang out and laugh. It seems like between work and life, we don't do that nearly enough. Cody is busy at work as usual, but has actually been getting home at a somewhat decent time lately. He really does like his job right now, so that makes it easier.
Avery is still adjusting to school. She does great while she's there, but she's still not used to getting up early. She was telling me this morning that she just needs to stay in bed a little longer. I was trying to explain to her that the only way to get more sleep is to go to bed earlier at night, because school starts at the same time every morning. I'm afraid it went right over her head... She loves school and really loves her teacher. The school PTO had a fundraiser at a pizza place last night and she was SOOOOO excited to see her teacher out at a restaurant and get to talk to her. Mrs. Connelly really is sweet to her. Avery has a new vocabulary since starting school, and I think most of it comes directly from her teacher. It's funny.
Liam is also having a blast at his school. He loves "Ms Candace" and really would like to go everyday. His days are long without his sissy to keep him company. He keeps me busy though. Mostly just laughing at the funny things he does and the goofy things he says. The other night he was sitting by Cody on the couch and out of nowhere he says "mom, I want some toast!" Well, it was like 9pm and I didn't want to make toast, so I got him some bread. He took it and studied it and said "is this toast?" I said no, it's bread. He just kind of smirked and said "Oh, it's bread...I get it!" He totally said it with attitude, and was kind of laughing at me. Cody and I just looked at each other and cracked up. I don't know where he comes up with this stuff.
I am just trying to get the hang of new bed times, making lunches, trying to find family time in our crazy schedule. Our little girl is having a major growth spurt. I feel like I'm getting huge, and I really must be because my ever tactful father informed me the other day that "you really are looking fat"...thanks dad, I hadn't noticed!!! Hope everyone has a good week!
Aug 22, 2008
More Firsts...
He picked out his Spiderman backpack all by himself. He can barely walk with it on (good thing it's empty!)
Aug 11, 2008
All Grown Up....
Today was a big day for our Avery Pearl...(and her parents). Today was her first day of all day Kindergarten. She was so excited, and not even nervous. She seemed so grown up walking into that big school. Cody was actually home this morning, he was excited to be able to take her. She loves her dad and taking him places, so it was a good morning. They let parents go into the classroom today, she was sitting on the mat trying to listen, but she kept finding us and waving really big. We read a story, and heard announcements, then it was time for us to go. It was surprisingly hard to walk away and leave her in the hands of strangers. I really like her teacher, and know she'll be fine. We just realized we're not in control of every part of her life anymore. It was weird. Cody was remembering how cute and chubby she used to be. We were talking on the way home about what a sweet and happy girl she's always been.
We know she's ready and that she'll do great in school. We're just being sentimental because she's our first baby, and we're not ready for her to grow up so fast! Here are a few little Avery pictures of her cute stages and our favorite times with her.
On the mat in her classroom
I think she's about two in this one...right around the time Liam was born.
Almost 4...
Her first birthday party.
She's about 4 months old at Grandma Nadine's house in Alaska..these were her first real smiles.
It really is crazy how fast they grow up. Liam will be starting preschool next week, and I'll have a couple hours a week by myself!! Until the next baby comes anyway!