Dec 16, 2008

quick update...

We're still here.. my internet has been extremely SLOW lately. I've logged on more than once and gotten frustrated when I couldn't get any pictures to upload. recent posts. I'll do pictures as soon as I figure it out.

We're all doing good. We had a great Thanksgiving with family. Cody's brother and family came from Texas and the kids all had a blast together. We only see them about once a year, so we tried to make the most of it. We did picnics at the park, the boys did some hiking, fun Thanksgiving day, and just hanging out playing games. It was a good week.

We're now in the middle of getting ready for Christmas, and all the fun planning and shopping that goes along with that. Avery and Liam are counting down, they are fun ages for holidays.

Our little Emrie is growing so fast. She's six weeks old tomorrow. She's already gained around two pounds. Cheeks and legs are growing quickly to our delight. She's sweet, but also very demanding and quite moody..we'll see what she has in store for us. We love her very much. Avery is looking forward to a break from school. She's doing great and learning so much, but doesn't like to wake up in the morning and is excited about some sleepin in time. I must say that I am too, it's quite a chore to get all of us out of the house in the morning.

We hope everyone has great holidays. Hug the ones you love and have lots of fun. We know we will. Pics soon I promise.


A Farmer's Wife said...

Your kids are SO CUTE!!! Sounds like Emrie definitely takes after the Carmichael side of the family. I don't know a single one of us who isn't demanding & a little moody, throw in a hefty dose of impatience and you'll know she's completely Carmichael! Hoping to see you guys Saturday! Love & Miss you!

The Thompson's said...

I couldn't agree more. I wish mu kids slept in because I am not at all a morning person. Hope you have a fabulous holiday.

wackywilsons said...

I love that you think your newborn is that b/c she is an emotional girl, or b/c she is just a baby? either way, I am sure you smother her with love and kisses.

I only WISH my boys would WANT to sleep in! Ha! They are up every morning before 7am, doesn't matter what time they go to bed. It's like they think they'll miss out on some playtime??

I can't wait to see those thighs on baby Emrie!

Erika said...

Oh, she is so sweet, love those soft hands and cheeks! And I can't imagine her moody, but maybe it's just because I haven't spent the night with her!!

The Lichlyter's said...

I hope that you and your family had a great Christmas. We miss you guys and hope all is going well. Tell Cody the smooth face works for him.