Sep 23, 2008

Weekend Fun had by all.....

So, my crazy husband and his dad decide a few weeks ago that they are going to hike Humphrey's Peak. It is the highest peak in Arizona. 12,633 feet. They talked Cody's brother Cy along with my brother Tim and my nephew Andrew into going with them. None of them are avid hikers. Cody did the hike about 15 years ago in scouts. So, they take off really early Saturday morning. Cody knew it would be hard, but I don't think he was prepared. It took them ALL DAY! They didn't get home until really late. He said the altitude made it alot harder, and did crazy things to them. It was also freezing when he got up there. About 35 degrees, with 60 mph winds. They all came home sore and tired, but sounds like they had some good male bonding time. My brother was cracking up. It was a new experience for him to be around three Carmichael men at one time. They are pretty funny when they get each other going. Needless to say, Cody wasn't at 8am church the next day!

From left: Cy, Andrew, Tim, Ron, Cody
(thanks to my sister in law ruth, i stole these pics right off her blog!)
The kids and I had a full day at home. We went to a baby shower in the morning. Followed by naps, Avery's soccer game at 3 (more to come about soccer, she's really excited but I have to have my pictures to post). Then the kids went and played at my sisters house while the grown ups went to dinner for my brother Ben's birthday. Happy Birthday uncle Ben, we love you!


Anonymous said...

I bet that mountain heard more whining during that hike than it had heard in a long time! Im just glad we didn't have to send search and rescue...

J said...

Crazy Carmichaels

A Farmer's Wife said...

I love this!!! And you are correct...your poor experience with one member of the Carmichael family is unique to be sure. An experience with more than one of us is life-altering at a minimum! I love our family! It's good to be crazy and be able to blame it on our genes!!! And I love you guys!!!

Ashley said...

hahaha...that is too funny! I love it! What crazy guys! You are always on the go girly! Miss ya!