May 5, 2009

six months and six years...

My girls are both growing up...EMRIE is six months today. I really don't know where the time has gone. Here are some things about Emrie, and some of her new skills...

- In the past few days she has started sitting up. She's pretty stable and getting better everyday. She'll even lean over to pick up a toy now and then.

-she's been rolling for a little while, she's pretty good at getting where she wants to go. I often find her stuck under furniture...definately can't leave her anywhere alone right now.

- she's starting to get up on her hands and knees (or hands and toes).

-she LOVES her brother and sister. She really thinks Liam is hilarious. He can always get a smile out of her, which he thinks is very cool

-her eyes are turning brown, and her eyebrows look really red in the sunlight. I can't wait to see what she's going to look like as she gets bigger

- she likes her bed(FINALLY) she didn't start out being a good sleeper, but she is so much better now.

-she has rolls for days!! I think they may rival Avery's when she was this age. She is sosoft and fun to squeeze!

-she is happy and usually really quick to smile at anyone who stops to give her attention.

We love her so much..she gets probably one MILLION kisses a day, and deserves every one!

And my AVERY...she turned six on April 20th. I can't believe she is that old either. It feels like yesterday that she looked just like Emrie!! Here are some of my favorite things about Avery
- she is so sweet and kind. She worries about everyone and wants everyone to be happy
- she is a wonderful big sister. She helps so much with Emrie, and she has fun with Liam
-she still lets me call her my baby! she's sweet to me and admits that she always wants to be my baby
-she is so smart. she's almost done with Kindergarten. She reads everything! She's been reading books to Liam lately which I love and so does he
-she's always writing little books, complete with illustrations. she writes cards to her teacher and friends, and loves to write letters to her cousin Caleb in Texas
-she's got a very creative imagination
-she's such an artist, she's constantly drawing things too
-she's very sensitive, which can be hard sometimes but is nice too. she asks very grown up questions, and usually understands the answers. I've learned I just have to tell her the truth. She remembers everything. You can't tell her something if you don't mean it because she'll definately call you out on it.
-she loves to sing
-She has the cutest cheeks all covered in freckles. (not sure she'll always love the freckles, but I do right now!)
-her sweet smile, and how she looks just like her daddy when she smiles at me

I feel so blessed to be the mother to such sweet kids. They are all so different and smart in their own ways. I learn from them and have fun with them everyday!


Erika said...

Man Avery cracks me up...she is such a grown up little gal and is so social. Happy Birthday! And I need a good squeeze of Emrie's legs...haven't done it in a couple of days! :)

crazy said...

Avery reminds me of Savanna, she has this maturity that is beyond her years. Love them. I snagged a little outfit for E today at childrens place. Sweet girls.

The Gearharts said...

What sweet little girls. We are so lucky to have such good little kids.

On another note funerals really do make you think and appreciate family more. I love the pictures of those boys in the desert, it reminds me so much of when all my family gets together up there and we're doing all sorts of 'hill-billy' things...its too much fun.