Dec 28, 2009

Christmas Eve...

Somehow, a Sunday morning picture in front of the tree has become our tradition. This year was quick and unfortunately out of focus! The girls looked great in their christmas plaid. Em's was special because it came from Scotland, Cody's mom bought it when she was there a couple years ago. Not sure who she bought it for, cuz little E wasn't even a thought then! But it fit great, and was an exact match for dad's tie!

Another Christmas tradition is Christmas Eve at my parents. This year was no different. We all gather and play and eat and read stories and eat some more. There are nineteen grandkids now, so you can imagine how crazy it can get! But it was a good time as usual. My mom makes the best bread sticks and clam chowder, my sister in law Ruth made some smokin hot chili that was so yummy! And of course...

it wouldn't be Christmas (or any day for that matter) without my dad sharing his soda with the babies!!

Em and Uncle LaRen playing bells

This year, Cody's parents rented a house in Pine Top for Christmas. So, we loaded up from my parents and headed straight up there. The kids were all in their new Christmas PJ's. We were singing Christmas songs and talking about having a white Christmas for the very first time. We actually got out of my moms at a reasonable time, so it wouldn't be too late when we arrived. Emrie had fallen asleep, and all was going well....

Of course, it didn't stay that way. Remember all the yummy food and drink I described? Well, my sweet baby had partaken in all of it. We made it to Globe (aka: middle of nowhere) before sweet baby started heaving and puking in the back seat.... Merry Christmas to us!

We've never had a car puking baby, thank goodness. So this is new to us. She's puking away and there is nowhere to stop. We had already decided to stop at McDonald's on the way so we decided to keep going til we got there. I thought she was going to choke a few times, it was sooo gross. Well, McDonald's was the farthest 2.2 miles in history!!! Then when we got there, it was closed of course. 8pm on Christmas Eve, there was nothing open. Thank goodness for clean clothes and an industrial box of baby wipes. We got the poor kid cleaned up. I'll spare the details of the cottage cheese, bean, and potato mixture that I cleaned up. We did the best we could and got back on the road.

Unfortunately, it's a windy canyon and she wasn't done. She started again as we pulled into Show Low. We got to the cabin about 10:30. The kids were sooo excited. Gammy had the place decked out like a Christmas Wonderland. With a lighted tree, garland, and a nativity. It was a cute house and looked amazing. Em got a bath in the kitchen sink, mom got a shower, and we finally got the kids to bed.

Then Cody, and I and his parents watched Christmas Vacation waiting for Santa to come, and for Em to fall asleep.

Avery left the cutest note for Santa along with her treats for him and the reindeer.


Dear Santa, thank you for bringing presents. I love Christmas. My favorite color is red. Here is a snack for you and the reindeer. Love, Avery


crazy said...

Sounds like fabo time. Cant wait o get the whole scoop fom Avery.

The Gearharts said...

Oh I didnt know you were going to a cabin. Looks/sounds like fun well all accept the puking part. Looking forward to seeing everyone soon.

Nicki Kitchen said...

How fun. Can't wait to hear more. car puking really stinks (literaly) we have had our share.