Oct 6, 2008


This is to all of you who have been so worried that I'm never going to be ready for this baby! (namely Tammie and Janelle).. Well, I think the nesting has finally kicked in. I know it's about time, I am 36 weeks along. Tonight Cody's lovely family came over to help me get started. We got paint picked out, the guys moved all the furniture. My truck is FULL of stuff I'm driving to Good-Will in the morning. So, at least I got started. I think the nursery is going to be really cute. I'll post pics as soon as it's painted. Liam got his room all set up and thinks he is really special. We went to the Dr. today. He did and ultrasound and this little girl is in birthing position, she has Avery's cheeks and lots of hair as far as we could tell. So, now all she needs is a NAME and a place to sleep. We're still working on both......


A Farmer's Wife said...

How fun!!! I hope she looks exactly like Miss Avery...she is so BEAUTIFUL!!! I can't wait to see her room...hurry, hurry and post pictures!!! Love you guys!!!

Mandy said...

I'm so excited for you! Let the countdown begin! Good luck with the names and I can't wait to see the nursery!

Krazy Kobels said...

Good Luck!!! We didn't agree on a girl name till she was out,and she still doesn't have a room ready for her. You are was ahead of me, keep it up but enjoy the days with just 2 kids, 3 in another story.

Erika said...

Yay! I wish I could help with the decorating, but you waited too long!! Good luck with it all...sounds like everything's falling into place!

The Thompson's said...

Good Luck. I love to see nurserys when they are all completed. I am sure you will decide on a super cute name. 4 weeks, wow.

The Gearharts said...

Okay, one, I have been meaning to call you to thank you for the super cute monkey stuff you left on Thomas' car, thanks that was so nice! Two, too bad you waited so long, I would have loved to help out. Three I'm still pulling for Claire as the name :) and finally four, you look great! When I saw you last week I didn't realize how close you are to your due date.

Matt & Emily said...

Candi, I'm so excited for your baby! I'd love to help out with decorating, babysitting, picking up Avery or anything else. I'll even pick a name for you! Anything, since I'm one of the few who hasn't just had a baby.

Arianne Pearce said...

Well I can't wait to see all the pictures!! You sure looked adorable at church today (loved your shoes). I think you are super cute pregnant but I know that this is an exciting time to be so close to the end!