Nov 17, 2008

Growing already...

It's me again, so this post won't be nearly as entertaining as the last one. I was cracking up at Cody's first blog attempt. I think he should do it more often.

Well...our sweet girl is almost two weeks old already. She is a super sweet newborn. She hardly makes any noise unless she's hungry. And when she is you better stand by because she gives you about two seconds warning before she starts throwing a huge fit! She definately likes her food. We took her in for her first check up when she was 5 days old and she had only lost one ounce from her birth weight. So, the chubbiness Cody craves isn't too far off! She looks so different already. The kids are doing great, they love loving on her. It was an interesting moment when Liam discovered how she gets her food. He knows that babies only drink milk, so the first time he heard her crying and I told him she was hungry he said "ok mom, I'll get the cup, you get the milk" it was cute. Then he saw me nursing her and was really confused!?! So, I explained to him that mommy makes milk for the baby. Then, I tried to put it in terms his three year old brain could understand. I told him that cows make milk for the baby cows, and and sheep and other things he has seen. Then he said "ohhh you're the cow", so thats where we left it. Moms the cow, at least he doesn't think it's weird anymore!! They have both been really sweet with her, which isn't hard because she is so soft and lovable.

Today is Cody's first day back to work. It was so nice having him home. He doesn't think he helped too much, but he did. He may not have done too many dishes...or vacuumed my floor (which would have been ok with me!). But he was great with the kids, he took Avery to school and picked her up so I didn't have to leave the house. Today was my first day on my own and she was late for school. I had to take her through the office for a tardy pass. Not used to feeding a baby, taking a sleeping Liam to the car, and getting Avery ready at the same time. I need some more practice I guess. I will say that my yard looks great, and he got lost of errands done that he never has time to do!

We finally got rid of our huge beast of a truck and got another ultra cool mini-van. It was great timing. We found the van the day before Emrie was born. So, I never had to put three kids in the back of that thing!! So, Cody also made sure it is in good working order, registered and insured. Which are all things I would have had to do sometime, if he weren't at home. I miss him already, it's been very quiet around here today. It was nice having him here to just hang out with us. We don't get to do that too often.

We have had so many visitors and people bringing food, and offering to bring food. I've had people offer to help with Liam. I'm very grateful to everyone who has helped us. We have awesome family and friends. Our ward is wonderful too, I know there are lots of people around if I need anything, and that is a huge comfort to me. I'm grateful we're all home and healthy and have this perfect, sweet addition to our family. I'll post more pictures, when I figure out where cody put them on the computer :)


Fawn Harris said...

She is super addorable, I love the newborn cries and it only sounds loud to you as a parent but once you don't hear those sounds anymore it is so precious and want too hear it all the time. Call me crazy. Congrates Candy she is perfect.

crazy said...

She is so sweet. It is good to hear you are all still doing well. take care, Tammi

wackywilsons said...

First of do you know who Fawn is? I was her neighbor in Florence before I moved to Surprise. Small world I suppose.

Your baby is beautiful!! I love the rolls, something I have never experienced with my little boys...

I am glad everything went smoothly and I am so excited to keep on reading your blog.

Your last moment mommy thoughts were very touching, I am sure I will be posting similar things as my time of delivery approaches.

Keep us all posted with your adjustment... did you keep yourself looking so beautiful with those delivery pics??

Erika said...

What a sweetie Candi! And I am so happy to hear that you got a minivan!! Yay!! I miss you and can't wait to see her!!

aliciamae100 said...

It was so fun to meet Emrie! Didn't think it was possible, but she's even cuter in person. :)

Bailee Blair said...

she is so cute congrats